Western and Eastern Beaches Accessible Walk
With paths designed and built for accessibility, this return walk or roll along the Corio Bay shoreline is something special. There are lots of things to see and do.
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Is this walk accessible for me?
This popular walk is accessible for everyone. It is easy to do by foot, in a wheelchair or with any other mobility aid. There are piers where people using mobility aids can get over the water.
What can I see?
You will see Corio Bay, sandy beaches, seabirds, boats and ships. The shoreline has art, playgrounds, piers, a ferris wheel, cafes, swimming pools and sea baths. Accessible beach mats form paths onto the sand.
How accessible is the path?
The path is sealed, smooth, wide and generally flat. The mapped walk has no steps. There is a short slope beside Cunningham Pier. Side by side travel is possible and wheelchairs can turn easily.
The walk is easy to follow along the shoreline.
For shorter walks, you can start or finish anywhere and arrange drop-offs and pick-ups from other locations along the walk. Mobile coverage is good.
Driveway crossings are either smooth or ramped. There is a kerbless traffic light crossing.
Some sections of the path have drop offs to the sand or water.
Cyclists may share some paths.
Rest areas
Every sort of seat can be found on this walk. Many have armrests. There are picnic tables, BBQs and cafes. There are many shelters. The path also has many tall trees, but they are not very shady. Be SunSmart.
Easy to use accessible drinking fountains can be found along the walk.
This walk is very popular. It is used by many people. Traffic in the area can be quite busy.
Accessible toilets are situated at each end of the walk.
Dogs must be on leash.
Public Transport
There is no public transport along the beaches. Bus No. 20 runs on Mercer Street and Bus No. 1 on Brougham Street.
There are two accessible spaces with protected side space and ramped access directly to the walking path at the western end of Western Beach car park. There are more all along the walk. You can start anywhere. Surfaces are firm, wide and flat. Not all accessible spaces have protected side spaces.
The following photos and descriptions provide more information regarding accessibility. Conditions may change. If you notice any variations, please let us know.
We would like to know what people with disability and carers think of this accessible Walking Map. Please tell us by completing this 5 minute survey . Your feedback will help us to create high quality information about accessible walks.
“Together More Active” is a partnership between Victoria Walks, Disability Sport & Recreation and Regional Sport Victoria.