Castlemaine Botanical Gardens Accessible Walk
These beautiful old and lovely gardens are great for walking or rolling. The place is charming. The paths and plants are well-kept and easy to use.
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Is this walk accessible for me?
This walk is accessible for everyone. It is easy to do by foot, in a wheelchair or with any other mobility aid.
What can I see?
You will see attractive gardens with a lake, water birds, large mature trees and flower beds.
How accessible is the path?
This loop walking path is easily followed around the boundary of the botanical gardens. Paths are compacted gravel, smooth, wide and flat. There are no steps on the walk as mapped. Paths are generally at the same level with the surrounding lawns. The Gardens are very well maintained, no overhead obstacles were encountered. You can turn a wheelchair around and travel side by side.
There are accessible interpretive signs along the paths.
The 3 car parks provide for shorter options with different pick up and drop of points. Mobile phone coverage is good.
Rest areas
There are built shelters and many shade trees. There is an accessible picnic and BBQ shelter and a playground with some accessible pathways, but non accessible equipment.
Seats with and without armrests are provided along the path.
Accessible drinking fountains are installed.
There are 2 accessible toilet locations, near the main gates and on Downes Road.
Dogs must be on leash.
Public Transport
Bus No. 2 stops on Walker Street near the main gate of the gardens. There is no shelter, seating or passenger information. The footpath is narrow and uneven. There is a ramp through the kerb at both ends of the Walker Street car park. There is no pedestrian crossing.
There is space for drivers to pick up/drop off and park at all 3 car park sites. The Downes Road spaces are wide and recessed off road. There is room for unloading and loading. This car park is ramped directly to the walking path. The surface is sealed, firm, smooth and slightly sloping. There are no road crossings.
The following photos and descriptions provide more information regarding accessibility. Conditions may change. If you notice any variations, please let us know.
We would like to know what people with disability and carers think of this accessible Walking Map. Please tell us by completing this 5 minute survey . Your feedback will help us to create high quality information about accessible walks.
“Together More Active” is a partnership between Victoria Walks, Disability Sport & Recreation and Regional Sport Victoria.