• Adults (18+)
  • Child (under 12)
  • Youth (13-17)

Reclink Connect


Join in and connect from home. Or, ask your local community house or Council to start a group session nearby.

Reclink Connect – by national sport and recreation charity, Reclink Australia - is a FREE national engagement initiative to connect you with expert-led health and wellbeing activities.

From Yoga and Tai Chi to Zumba and Dancefit, Reclink Connect offers a variety of programs every weekday to engage your body and mind – while connecting you with your own virtual support team.

This free, online, and interactive program is open to anyone with an internet connection.

You can choose to engage at any level and can be comforted with a community style presentation and professional instructors who know what they’re talking about. We’d love to see you in a session next week!

Sign up to Reclink Connect Weekly and receive a schedule, with access link, every Sunday.


Reclink Connect is a FREE program by Reclink Australia. It helps you join fun and healthy activities led by experts.

You can try Yoga, Tai Chi, Zumba, and Dancefit every weekday. These activities help your body and mind, and you can join a virtual support team.

This free online program is for anyone with an internet connection.

You can join at any level. The classes are friendly and led by professional teachers who know their stuff. We hope to see you in a session next week!

Sign up for Reclink Connect Weekly to get a schedule with an access link every Sunday.


-36.9847807, 143.3906074